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Thread: Flip flop 2016!

  1. #41
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    Default Head Start or Flip Flop

    I really wanted to start at Springer Mtn. sometime around the end of Feb. 2016, but I just can't make that work. So I am considering moire of a Head Start than a true Flip Flop. I am thinking of starting in Western NC at the Pigeon River Bridge (mile 238ish) or Hot Springs (mile 271sh) or Mt. Harbor Hostel (mile 388ish). I have circled mid-March to start. I hope to meet up with some of you guys out there to say "thanks" for all of the knowledge that has been shared here and some of the other forums that I have been lurking around.

    For my contribution, I have attached an Excel spreadsheet with the data from AWOL and another schedule I found on this site. I created this to give me an idea of possible flip dates based upon "where" and "when and "AWOL's mileage per day". So many, many variables! My curiosity is about an anticipated date to approach Katahdin instead of an anticipated completion date. If anyone has a different data set from AWOL, I would add that as well.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by TheEngineer View Post
    Why was the start of May chosen for a flip-flop? Looking at last year's weather at Harper's Ferry May 1, 2015, it was 67 F. May 2 was 74. May 3 79, and May 4 85. For someone from NH (myself), this is really HOT weather hiking, which means shorts and T-shirt (if that).
    Yea, last year was unusually hot for the start of May. It did cool down a week or so later to more seasonable temps. Going from a chilly Northern NH into the oven down south was a bit of a shock to the system.

    April, being a transitional month and the last hurrah of winter, the weather can be cold and stormy. But with the changing climate and weather patterns hard to tell what to expect anymore.
    Follow slogoen on Instagram.

  3. #43
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    I've been tentatively planning a 2016 flip-flop (WV -> ME, WV -> GA) starting May 1-ish. I'm planning on dropping the "can I get a leave of absence" bomb on work the very beginning of the new year. To make it easiest for them to say 'yes', I have to keep the hike as contained as possible.

    I don't know how I've missed this this whole time, but it's dawning on me that per the ATC flip-flip plan, you start from Harper's Ferry May-ish, hit Katahdin mid August, then WAIT and start SOBO from HF after Labor Day for a late November finish. That's 7 months.

    I also see a new flip flop on their site I hadn't considered: Pawling NY NOBO in June, hitting Katahdin mid-August, then Pawling SOBO in mid-August for a November finish. The more usual 6 months.

    Questions: The Harpers Ferry route the ATC maps out seems drawn out on the north part. What if you get done early & start the SOBO leg earlier than Labor Day - are you going to be hiking that leg alone? The heat probably won't be fun?

    The Pawling start is new to me. Anybody see pro's / con's to that? Not sure what the NOBO company will be like (lonely?). And SOBO you'd be with the SOBO thru's?

  4. #44


    I don't think a May 1st Pawling start is a good idea. It puts you into NH and Maine at about the worst time you could be here. Then if you do manage to get to Kathadin thru all that muck and swarms of black flies, you'll be flipping back into the hottest part of summer where it really bakes.

    The main reason for the Pawling start is to avoid encountering the punishing rocks of PA pretty much right out of the gate. But if you do that, you should wait a bit to at least the middle of May to start from there. +/- current weather conditions of course. You'll still pretty much have the trail to yourself.

    Reading comprehension: I see where you do say the ATC suggests a June starting time for Pawling.
    Last edited by Slo-go'en; 12-08-2015 at 22:24.
    Follow slogoen on Instagram.

  5. #45
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    And there is always the 2 year plan.

  6. #46


    Good Evening,

    It is great to see hikers consider doing a non-traditional hike. I did a standard NOBO in 1993 and 23 years later I am leaving on a flip flop in April 2016. Since I am somewhat local to the Harpers Ferry area I am planning on being in town for the Flip Flop Fest on April 16h 2016, but I am starting on trail April 1 south of Shenandoah and hiking to the festival to hook up with the other flip floppers starting out that weekend heading north to Katahdin.

    Starting in the Mid Atlantic has so many points of appeal to me (bubble avoidance, milder weather, good ramp up/acclimatization time before hitting elevation and rocks further north, more authentic experience without crowds, etc.) but can be more logistically challenging as SNP is closed so no waysides, just resupply opportunities at the major road intersections with Skyline Drive (VA 64, 33, 522) so possibly carrying more food initially but well worth it.
    If anyone wants to discuss in more detail hit me back – trail name is Mayhem, email is [email protected]
    Happy trails!

  7. #47
    Registered User Sir Setsalot's Avatar
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    I just pre ordered my 2016 awol guide to the at 2016. I plan on leaving Harpers Ferry northbound on my Mothers birthdate April 8, 2016. I hope to end my hike on the 2 year anniversary of her death November 2, 2016 at springer mountain. I will probably have to slow down to hit that date.
    As did CrestviewHiker I started from springer in 2013 and ended south of the smokies with a knee injury. This time I figure to start flat and get my legs beofre i hit the major climbs.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Setsalot View Post
    I just pre ordered my 2016 awol guide to the at 2016. I plan on leaving Harpers Ferry northbound on my Mothers birthdate April 8, 2016. I hope to end my hike on the 2 year anniversary of her death November 2, 2016 at springer mountain. I will probably have to slow down to hit that date.
    As did CrestviewHiker I started from springer in 2013 and ended south of the smokies with a knee injury. This time I figure to start flat and get my legs beofre i hit the major climbs.
    May your mother help carry you through you hike.

  9. #49


    We are looking at an approximate April 1st start from south Shenandoah as a flip/flop.

  10. #50

    Default Updates from Harpers Ferry and ATC

    Some exciting things to report:

    Planning for the Flip Flop Festival (April 16-17) is gaining momentum! We have a lot of great folks helping, including a of the Class of 2015 flip-flopper, and a Class of 2016 flip-flopper (also GA-ME '93). On Saturday, there will be a lot of short (50-minute) workshops on a variety of topics, and pack shakedowns. This is when we'll have music, food and games, too. Sunday there will an all-in-one intensive thru-hiking workshop by ATC's own Leanna Joyner (as well as a guided history hike and other offerings).

    We are encouraging people to split their departure dates between Sunday. April 17 and Monday April 18 so the group leaving Harpers Ferry isn't too big. Last year we had 30, which is the maximum we'd want to see in one day. Ideally, we would keep it to 24 or fewer for each day, and spread hikers out even more. We will still have a kick-off Sunday, April 17, but it will be lower-key than last year. We hope some hikers will stay for Sunday's events and leave Monday.

    Check out what we have for the festival so far at www.appalachiantrail.org/flipflop. We should have more times nailed down in a couple of weeks.

    Thru-hiker registration for flip-floppers starting at Harpers Ferry nobo is picking up. Currently there are 13 people who have registered to start from Harpers Ferry nobo between 4/17 and 4/18. Another 8 people are registered in the 2 days prior, and 2 more after who may be attending the festival. In 2015, roughly half of thru-hikers registered, so there will be plenty of flip-floppers around in mid-April. (Can't guarantee that you might be lonely later on, especially if you hike faster than the others).

    Spice, a member of the Class of 2015 flip-floppers who participated in the Harpers Ferry kick off, wrote an article about her hike. If you didn't see it in A.T. Journeys (ATC's member magazine), read it here. However, keep in mind Spice was a 20-something, and her perspective will be different from an over-50 hiker with knee issues, who may not "enjoy" Pennsylvania, for example.

    Can't wait to meet the Flip Flop Class of 2016, and some returning members of 2015 too!

    Laurie P.

  11. #51
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    Great article Laurie...when did Journeys Magazine get mailed out?
    Order your copy of the Appalachian Trail Passport at www.ATPassport.com

    Green Mountain House Hostel
    Manchester Center, VT


  12. #52



    The A.T. Journeys winter issue with Spice's article) was mailed in the middle of January. Anyone who's a members should have received it by now.

    I'm wondering if there is anyone on this thread is a member because they opted in to that option when registering their 2015 thru-hike?

    If anyone on this thread registered for a 2016 thru-hiker, we're still catching up on 2016 registrations from the last couple of months, but we should be up to speed soon.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lauriep View Post

    The A.T. Journeys winter issue with Spice's article) was mailed in the middle of January. Anyone who's a members should have received it by now.

    I'm wondering if there is anyone on this thread is a member because they opted in to that option when registering their 2015 thru-hike?
    If anyone on this thread registered for a 2016 thru-hiker, we're still catching up on 2016 registrations from the last couple of months, but we should be up to speed soon.
    While I did read Spice's article, my decision to do a flip-flop starting at HF is based on circumstances beyond my control and about which I'm not happy. However, her article did allow me to calm down, re-evaluate, and accept this different form of a thru-hike. I'm looking forward to it.

  14. #54


    Flip-flopping! Perfect! Your chances of success are better than most!


  15. #55


    I'm leaving tomorrow to begin my flip flop from the MD/PA border at Pen Mar, MD on Sunday in a bit of rain. I have high hopes for the adventure I'm starting and I'm a little scared. There's no logic behind it. I'm 52 and just gotten stuck in my old habits. This trip will remake me whatever the outcome. Looking forward to meeting some of you on the trail. I go by SciFi when backpacking. Say hello and let me know that you're on Whiteblaze too.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

  16. #56


    Hey all, I just wanted to clarify something about the ATC 2,000-miler stats page. The numbers on flip-floppers have, understandably, been misinterpreted.

    That's because prior to 2015, the vast majority of flip-floppers were thru-hikers who had started in Georgia, and were flipping from Harpers Ferry, not starting there. So, that number of alternative hike completions from 2014 (70 out of 122 photographed) doesn't mean that 57% of starters finished. It only means 57% of those who identified as flip-floppers (most half-way through their hikes) when they were photographed in Harpers Ferry finished. We didn't list a starting number because we had no idea how many flip-floppers started. Most (prior to 2015) started in Georgia as nobos, and probably didn't know themselves they would later turn into flip-floppers. A handful of flip-floppers started in other locations. Even among those who started in Harpers Ferry, a significant number did not get their photos taken at the start of their hikes.

    Flip-floppers who start mid-trail do not have a higher success rate than thru-hikers who start in Georgia or Maine.

    One thing we are observing (on a casual basis--no data to back it up), as we see more hikers start in Harpers Ferry whose progress we are able to follow, is that older hikers are more likely to have injuries that require a longer recuperation time, or health issues that present serious challenges to long-distance hiking. Older hikers also tend to have more familial responsibilities that pull them off the Trail--spouses, children, grandchildren, or aging parents.

    A statistic that I've always found intriguing is that among hikers over 70, about half have hiked the A.T. at least once before. A couple of notable examples: Earl Shaffer, who was the oldest for a while at age 79, was hiking the A.T. for the 3rd time in 1998. The current oldest thru-hiker, "Easy One," was hiking the A.T. for the 5th time when he became the oldest at age 81. Among thru-hikers overall, the percentage of repeaters is something like 5%, give or take a few percentage points.

    Anyway, we do need to revise and update the 2,000-miler stats page on our website!

  17. #57
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    Hi! I am starting my flip flop from the AT train stop on the Harlem line out of NY the first week of June. Easy transportation back after leaving Katahdin. cheers

  18. #58
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    Greetings all:

    I am a latecomer to the party, but planning to start from Harper's Ferry on Friday 5/13 or Saturday 5/14. Will be flying into Pittsburgh on 5/11 and heading to WV come weekend. I will be arriving solo so hoping to meet some great people early on. Never been to any part of the AT before, I am looking forward to the experience. Please let me know if you are starting nearby at a similar time.


    - Robert

  19. #59


    Will be starting my flip flop from Harper's Ferry on 1 June. The predicted temps are in the mid-80's. Not my first choice, but since this was the absolute earliest we could start a flip flop made too much sense. This will put us in the middle of the pack of NOBOers who make it to HF, so I anticipate watching a few people pass me on the trail during the first couple of weeks.

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