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  1. #1
    Registered User CaptChaos's Avatar
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    Bowling Green, KY

    Default Heart Health after bypass surgery

    Hello Whiteblaze:

    I have not been away for a while but I have a question.

    In November of 2013 I started to have pain in my chest and down my left arm so great that I ended up in the hospital. After three days and a stress test I was let go and told to watch my diet and to take it easy. My wife would not give it a rest and scheduled a visit with a heart doctor who wanted to run a heart cath. So I had one and thats when they found that I had 80% blockage on both sides of my heart and at least three blockages. So I had to go under the knife December 30th.

    After the surgery the doctor ended up doing a total of 5 bypases. Present day, I am back to work with no restrictions and a changed diet and my weight is now down to 240 lbs.

    My queston is to the members who have had a bypass what do you eat on the trail now? I have to watch my salt but I no longer eat red meat, only chicken, lean porkchops and fish. Do you still eat Mtn House meals because you are hiking or have you changed your diet?

    Just wondering as I would like to go back to the trail and I just wondered what the others who have had this surgery are eating. PS, I did not have a heart attack, caught it before I had one so my recovery was faster than most.

    John "CaptChaos" Knight

    Bowling Green, KY USA
    Capt. Chaos

    Col. John "CaptChaos" Knight
    Bowling Green, KY USA

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Woodbridge, Virginia


    Sounds like you need to look into dehydrating your own food. It's not hard and much better for you than the standard packaged meals.

    Check out backpackingchef.com.

  3. #3
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    I had triple by-pass on Feb 18 2010. I consider that my new birthday. I was 60 years old and in terrible shape.. I'm about to turn 65 and am getting ready to start another section hike on the AT next week. I've been doing sections for the last 3 years. I've found that lots of exercise, awareness of what and how much I'm eating and consistency in my every day routine are most important . What you eat on the trail is not at all important. You need all the energy you can get and you will still lose weight. Whats important is what you have eaten in the months and years before you get to the trail and the exercise that you get on a daily basis to ready yourself for the effort of hiking the trail. I have been at 240 lbs myself. I hope I'm never that heavy again. If you look around you will realize that you don't see many fat old men. Most have died off. Those you do see are pushing a walker in front of them or riding their "HoverRound" in Walmart. Sorry to be so blunt but I hope that your surgery has awaken you like mine did me. It's not just what you eat.. It's the whole life style package.. Good Luck.

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Damascus, Virginia


    i had a quadruple 5 years ago. just eat everything in moderation

  5. #5
    Registered User CaptChaos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Bowling Green, KY


    Thank you for your comments guys. Thanks for your remarks. See you sometime on the trail. John
    Capt. Chaos

    Col. John "CaptChaos" Knight
    Bowling Green, KY USA

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by CaptChaos View Post
    Hello Whiteblaze:

    I have not been away for a while but I have a question.

    In November of 2013 I started to have pain in my chest and down my left arm so great that I ended up in the hospital. After three days and a stress test I was let go and told to watch my diet and to take it easy. My wife would not give it a rest and scheduled a visit with a heart doctor who wanted to run a heart cath. So I had one and thats when they found that I had 80% blockage on both sides of my heart and at least three blockages. So I had to go under the knife December 30th.

    After the surgery the doctor ended up doing a total of 5 bypases. Present day, I am back to work with no restrictions and a changed diet and my weight is now down to 240 lbs.

    My queston is to the members who have had a bypass what do you eat on the trail now? I have to watch my salt but I no longer eat red meat, only chicken, lean porkchops and fish. Do you still eat Mtn House meals because you are hiking or have you changed your diet?

    Just wondering as I would like to go back to the trail and I just wondered what the others who have had this surgery are eating. PS, I did not have a heart attack, caught it before I had one so my recovery was faster than most.

    John "CaptChaos" Knight

    Bowling Green, KY USA
    I had a quadruple bypass 11 years ago. I agree with the others who suggest that it is more important to get keep your weight down than what you eat. Exercise is also important.

    I eat less of everything, but when I hike I often eat 1/2 of a Mountain House meal. My favorite is Chili Mac. My doctor says, "What every you are doing, keep it up!"

    I feel like I am now in the best condition I have been in since I got out of the USAF in 1971. I walk 5 to 10 miles every day and do "high intensity interval training" three times week.
    Last edited by Shutterbug; 04-17-2014 at 00:13.

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