So I have section hiked about 100 miles about 10 years ago. I've done some light backpacking since as well. My husband and I were supposed to do a 7 day section springer to dicks creek the last week of October. Last minute, my husband has to work, so I am in panic mode about going solo. i've never solo hiked, so I've got to scramble to get some new one man gear (primarily a new tent) and am more concerned about safety (off the trail primarily...getting to and from my car mostly).

I think I'll probably lengthen my trip a little, probably springer to winding stair in about 10-12 days.
I'm thinking of parking my car at the top of springer and then trying to get (a series?) of shuttles back. I know a lot of people recommend parking, shuttling and then hiking back to your car. I haven't had time to think too much about it, but I like the idea of starting at springer. So any shuttle ideas or information would be great.

I think this section is really busy this time of year, as the hiker hostel was booked weeks in advance. So hopefully I'll find a few people along the way. However, I really want to avoid busy/loud shelters.

I know there weren't any actual questions in this post, lol. I have not had time to think of specific questions yet, I'm researching tents now.

Any thoughts or advice (or moral support) are greatly appreciated! Also if anyone is hiking this section during this time, that'd be great too.