Quote Originally Posted by rickb View Post
Juerek was not only cited for infractions, he was publicly shamed by the park director himself.

One way he was shamed was by the public accusation of littering.

That the Park Director elected not to share that this charge was based on Champagne Spray at the time the headlines were written is telling.
Given there were discussions with the sponsors about this commercial event taking place, including how media has to work in the park, I find the whining about all this to be a lot of noise about something that could have/should have been avoided.

Follow the rules, if you don't and you get caught, Cowboy up a little and don't whine about it, pay the fine, say you are sorry, and move on. If your opinion is the park made an example of him by public "shaming", Scott only has himself and/or a few people in his "posse" that exposed him to that. It wasn't you or I, the regulatory landscape of BSP, or the enforcement actions that provided the opportunity for BSP to drive the issue once they got the car. Support for busting park regs because "others do it too" is its own worst enemy as a defense.