sorry the double post. meant to make this a new topic as it is now.

how many of you 45+ers are just taking a leave from your job, or are well-suited money-wise, and are leaving your house in the hands of someone else?

in order to make this dream finally come true, i'm probably going to have to quit the job (and security) that i've had for 16 years.

i also will be selling my house so i don't have to worry about mortgage payments.

probably sell a good deal of my furniture and stuff as well so i don't have to store it. i could also use the money to finance the trip as well.

the big question is, what do i do when i finish the trail (providing i finish the trail?)

well, the short answer is i plan to work somewhere for 6 months, save as much as possible, then do the pct. afterward, if i'm still alive, do the same thing for 6 months then hike the cdt.

now you might say that i am being foolish planning like this and leaving myself no net if things don't work out on the trail. and if i were a young tot i might agree. but at 51, and after dreaming about this my ENTIRE life (no kidding) if things DON'T work out on the trail, i have absolutely no idea what i will do with the rest of my life, so i'll be starting from scratch again anyway.

i almost feel like i need to corner myself into leaving no choice but to get on the trail in 2010, because i'm afraid if i don't back myself into a corner, i may never take the leap to hike the AT at all.

really really really so want to do the trail in 2010. but very afraid of losing security.

does any of this make sense? inputs welcome.
