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  1. #41
    Registered User colorado_rob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dropdeadfred View Post
    Wouldnt surprise me on the boats as they are state and I am sure installed by the lowest bidder. Probably buy some new shop ones soon and will look at the brand.
    Thing about it is, it is so gradual you dont notice till you buy a new bulb.
    Yeah, true, but you can put a new bulb in a fixture next to an older bulb and then compare. I recently added two more LED fixtures in my garage, and the brightness look pretty darn similar to the older ones, but it really is hard to tell exactly. FWIW, I use the Phillips 6000K (daylight) "150W equivalent" bulbs (23 watts, I think) and 2600 lumens. I have 12 of those puppies now in my garage, it's like standing outside on a sunny day in there, very nice for woodworking and such. Sorry for the headlamp subject drift....

    The overall good news is that LED bulbs have really come down in price, so they are so worth it for energy savings. And this applies to hiking lamps as well, way more light per ounce of battery than the old filament types.

  2. #42
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    +1 for the NU25. Used one on my recent Sobo and it worked like a champ. I liked to get an early start so I was usually on trail a couple hours before sunup every day. One of my daily "chores" was to plug it in when I got to camp in the evening to top it off for the next day's use. I especially like that you can lock the switch so it doesn't get turned on by accident. Also carried a Maglite Solitare for those mornings when the fog would just reflect the light from the headlamp back at me.
    Last edited by h. hastings; 12-18-2020 at 09:58.
    NPT Nobo 2013, AT Sobo 2020

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Slo-go'en View Post
    The only time I need a headlamp is in the winter, but I don't like the white light as the snow reflects it back and kills my night vision.

    So I modified a headlamp by putting a high intensity Green LED in it, and made a special battery pack with electronics to varry the brightness. I have four levels of brightness to choose from depending on conditions.
    I am very intersted in doing this and hate harsh lights at night also. Red and Green lights are critical. Finding a green light is very hard. Can you give me instructions or advice on how to do this?

    As for the OP question I have a Tikka, its like 13 or more years old now. it has a red light. By the way I almost ended up in Randolph by accident. I went most all the way down the Watson trail on Madison by mistake.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeganHiker View Post
    I am very intersted in doing this and hate harsh lights at night also. Red and Green lights are critical. Finding a green light is very hard. Can you give me instructions or advice on how to do this?

    FWIW I picked up a 2-pk of Coast (brand) headlamps at Costco that had green and red lights, as well as a 3-brightness setting white (which was also able to be focused broad or narrow). 53-405 lumens for the low/high options (405 sounds low if you compare to indoor light bulbs, but outdoor from a headlamp it's really quite bright). Claimed 51-140 meters, 2.5-17 hours. Takes 3 AAA. At 104g, it's not UL, but I find the green and red very handy at night around camp or campfire. The green seems to light up the area better, but you don't always need much.

    Of course like most good things it disappears from Costco. Last I saw a Coast-branded light, it was at Home Depot and was priced as a premium product. Frankly, save for the weight, it is, IMO.

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