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A Complete Appalachian Trail Guidebook.
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  1. #1
    Ounces are the little-death
    Join Date
    Nashville, TN

    Default AT hiker and runner on the BMT. What might I mess up by making assumptions?

    I'm looking to run the Smokies section. Start at Fontana, go North on the AT, South on the BMT and make it a full loop.
    I feel pretty confident about the AT section but having not been on the BMT before, I'm a little concerned my hubris may lead me to taking a wrong turn or being unprepared for something.
    Guidebook is ordered but hasn't arrived yet, so if it's all answered in there I'm sorry.

    Are there any Southbound intersections that are particularly tricky or easy to miss? Or is there anything presented on the BMT that may surprise someone who's been pampered by the AT and LT?

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Nashville, TN


    unless some have been recently stolen, all intersections in the park are signed. how are you thinking about hooking up on the North end? if you go all the way to Davenport Gap you'll have at least a couple miles of gravel road to contend with. good luck running up Baxter Creek Trail --yowza!

  3. #3


    To me, the BMT through the Smokies was quite easy to navigate. I didn't carry a proper map for that section, just the Pocket Profiles (https://www.antigravitygear.com/shop...ofile-map-set/) You'll be fine with only the guidebook. That being said, the AT through the Smokies is much more scenic than the BMT. Might be worth it to go north on the BMT if you care about having a more scenic ending to your hike/run.

  4. #4


    AT, BMT, and separate AT/BMT Figure 8 thru-hiker here. Shouldn't be an issue following the route by trail running it when good visibility persists. I like your plan. Careful of all the tripping hazards. You'll have to take a very short 2.1 mile joiner trail segment at Davenport Gap the Chestnut Branch Tr to connect the AT and BMT.

  5. #5


    What was your total mileage? Any success?

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